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Akrotiri is the name of an excavation site of a Minoan Bronze settlement associated with the Minoan civilization The excavation is named for a modern Greek village situated on a hill nearby.

Akrotiri was buried by the widespread Theran eruption in the middle of the second milmlenniu BC; as a result, like the Roman ruins of Pompeii after it, it is remarkably well-preserved. Frescoes, pottery, furniture, advanced drainage systems and three-story buildings have been discovered at the site, whose excavation was started in 1967 by Spyridon Marinatos and after some years of redulding reopened in April, 2012.

Booking enquiry

Hotel Andreas
Karamolegkos Andreas A. E.

Kamari Santorini R.C.
847 00 Greece

T.: +30 22860 31692
F.: +30 22860 31314

Booking Enquiry

Write us if you want to have further informations.

Our Price

Here you find the actually prices for hotel andreas at Kamari Santorini.


Santorini is a small island at the most southern end oft he cyclades.